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Press notice detail

Please be reminded that celebration of the anniversary of the Lateran Pacts and the Agreement on Modification of the Concordato will take place at Palazzo Borromeo, seat of the Embassy of Italy to the Holy See, on the afternoon of 16 February, with the highest State and Church officials in attendance.

Bilateral governmental meetings will begin at 16.00.

Journalists and camera operators interested in covering the event are asked to apply for accreditation – no later than 12:00 on 15 February 2012 – by completing the interactive form available at the link to which all required documentation can be attached in digital format.

If in exceptional cases it is not possible to complete the online accreditation procedure, applications in writing on company letterhead and signed by the director of the organisation concerned—indicating name, surname, date and place of birth, number of a valid ID document and qualification—should be sent by fax to the Press Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (tel. 063691.3432 fax 06.3691.2122).

As no private vehicles will be admitted to the embassy area, a shuttle service will be running between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (rear entrance in Via Macchia della Farnesina) and the Embassy of Italy to the Holy See (Viale delle Belle Arti n° 2).

Accredited photographers and TV crews are kindly asked to report to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – rear entrance in Via Macchia della Farnesina – on Thursday16 February beginning at 14:00 and no later than 15:00.

Accredited journalists are kindly asked to report to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – rear entrance in Via Macchia della Farnesina – on Thursday16 February beginning at 14:45 and no later than 15:15.

Proper attire is requested.

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