“Nourish the Earth. Cultivate the Future” will be held at Rome’s Ara Pacis Augustae within the context of the World Food Day events on 15 October,
Participants in the conference, promoted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Italian Development Cooperation and the Italian Permanent Mission to the UN in Rome, will include Italian and foreign experts, economists and representatives of governments and the UN food and agriculture organisations headquartered in Rome: FAO, IFAD, WFP.
Speakers at the conference’s closing session at 18:30 will include Minister for Foreign Affairs Giulio Terzi, Minister for Health Renato Balduzzi, Director General of FAO Josè Graziano da Silva, President of IFAD Kanayo F. Nwanze and Director General of WFP Ertharin Cousin.
Journalists, photographers and television crews wishing to cover the event are kindly asked to apply for accreditation by sending an e-mail to accreditamentostampa@esteri.it.
Accredited members of the press should go directly to the Ara Pacis Augustae a Roma (Lungotevere in Augusta).