A Country Presentation on Somalia will take place at the Foreign Ministry at 17.30 on Wednesday 20 February 2013. The presentation, which is being organised by the Farnesina, follows a number of similar initiatives held in previous years for other African countries.
The event will open with addresses by Foreign Minister Giulio Terzi and the Somali Ministry for Trade and Industry, Mohamud Ahmed Hassan. The press may attend the opening.
Journalists, photographers and TV crews interested in following the opening addressed should use the online accreditation system by completing the interactive form available at http://mae.accreditationsystem.info/ITA/Indice.asp . All required documentation not already submitted must be attached to the form in digital format. This includes a letter from their media organisation and, for foreign journalists in Italy, a note verbale).
If it is not possible to complete the online accreditation procedure, applications should be sent by fax to the Foreign Ministry’s Press and Institutional Communication Service (fax 06/3691.2122–tel. 06/3691.3432)
Accredited journalists, photographers and TV crews should enter the Foreign Ministry by the main entrance (Sala Ospiti – Guest Reception side), which will be open from 17.00 onwards.