The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be participating in the 2013 Public Administration Forum, to be held from Tuesday 28 to Thursday 30 May at the Palazzo dei Congressi in Rome’s EUR district. The ministry will have a stand where citizens and businesses will be offered information on the ministry’s main activities and answers to their requests for services.
Over the three-day period, the events scheduled to take place at the Ministry’s stand (10/A) can be found in the programme (Officine PA).
In addition to the “Officine” (workshops), which will focus especially on the foreign ministry’s technological and procedural innovations and on the Development Cooperation’s involvement in healthcare, the ministry has organized a conference at 12:00 on 30 May entitled “European Union, European citizenship, European democracy: taking stock one year away from the 2014 European elections”, which will offer an opportunity to assess one of the crucial challenges to continued European integration: ensuring European citizens’ more effective identification with their institutions by means of instruments that guarantee transparent decision making processes and democratic participation.
Interested journalists and camera operators may obtain accreditation on-line at (, indicating an active e-mail address where confirmation of accreditation may be sent, to be printed and displayed at the entrance to the Palazzo dei Congressi dell’EUR, located in Piazza J. F. Kennedy 1, as well as informing this office of their participation in individual events (tel. 06/3691.3432 – fax 06/3691.2122 – e-mail:
Calendar of the participation of the
(Rome, Palazzo dei Congressi in EUR, 28-30 May 2013)
Tuesday 28 May
Officine (workshops):
11:00 Presentation of the 2013 Statistical Yearbook (relateur Cons. Sabrina Ugolini, Secretariat General – Office of Statistics)
12:00 Presentation of the new section of the foreign ministry website (relateur Marco Lattanzi, Directorate General for Country Promotion)
12:45 Presentation of the MAE/ENIT partnership for the issuance of tourist visas (relateur Cons. Maurizio Busanelli, Directorate General for Italian Citizens Abroad and Migration Policies)
To follow: screening of ENIT film.
15:00 Presentation of the LIMES project: limitations in the defence of fellow Italians abroad (relateur Agnese Del Bianco, Directorate General for Administration, IT and Communications)
1530 Presentation of the Lync project: more integrated communications for better services (relateur Venerando Pappalardo, Directorate General for Administration, IT and Communications)
16:00 Presentation of the Quid noctis? Project: The foreign ministry’s energy-savings efforts (relateur Noemi Dionisi, Directorate General for Administration, IT and Communications)
Wednesday 29 May
Officine (workshops):
10:00 Italian Cooperation in the healthcare sector (introduction by Pierluigi Gentile, relateur Gennaro Gentile, Directorate General for Development Cooperation)
10:30 Improved diagnosis and treatment of HIV/AIDS, TBC and emerging pathologies in Tanzania (relateur Prof. Giuseppe Ippolito, Istituto Spallanzani).
11:00 Developments in the fight against malaria in Burkina Faso (relateur Prof. David Modiano, (Rome’s Sapienza University)
11:30 Healthcare data systems management: the case of Ethiopia (relateur Sandro Accorsi, expert consultant, Directorate General for Development Cooperation)
12:00 Video on the struggle against breast cancer in Tunisia (introduction by Andrea Cadelano expert consultant, Directorate General for Development Cooperation)
12:15 International healthcare evacuations: national procedures. (relateur Loredana Vellucci, Ministry of Health)
12:45 Description of the Crisis Unit activities (relateur Cons. Nicola Minasi, Secreteriat General-Crisis Unit)
13:30 The right to health in Afghanistan: the Italian Cooperation’s contribution (relateur Arch. Dario Piatelli, expert consultant, Directorate General for Development Cooperation)
To follow: Video on humanitarian demining activities in Afghanistan (prepared by the Directorate General for Development Cooperation)
14:30 Presentation of the Italian Cooperation’s Disability Action Plan (relateur Min. Plen. Francesco Zazo, Directorate General for Development Cooperation – Pietro Barbieri, FISH and RIDS)
15:00 Video on activities with disabled persons in Kosovo
15:30 Project: Kosovo Disability Action Plan (Introduction by Mina Lomuscio, Directorate General for Development Cooperation – relateur Lucilla Frattura, CCOMS for training in International Classification of Functioning)
16:00 CinemArena Video screenings. Informing about AIDS in Kenya through cinema. (Introduction by Simonetta Di Cori, Directorate General for Development Cooperation)
16:30 Diaporama
Thursday 30 May
12:00 Conference: “European Union, European citizenship, European democracy: taking stock one year away from the 2014 European elections” (relateurs: Vice President Roberta Angelilli, the Hon. Carlo Casini, the Hon. Gualtieri , Prof. Roberto Adam, Min. Plen. Pasquale Ferrara, moderator Min. Plen. Vincenzo Grassi)
Officine (workshops):
10:15 Report on twitter diplomacy (relateur Davide Bonvicini, Press Service).
10:30 European study opportunities sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (relateur Patrick Mura, Directorate General for Country Promotion)
11:00 European integration models in education and cultural promotion: European schools and the EUNIC network (relateur Cons. Luca Fratini, Directorate General for Country Promotion)
15:00 “The Public Administration’s reputation: is it possible that a public servant can be murdered? Consideration of in the light of recent events” (relateurs representatives of
15:30 Booking research activities at the Archivio storico on-line and browsing the inventories of several Funds (relateurs Ruggeri/Marrone (Analysis, Planning and Historical/Diplomatic Documentation/ Directorate General for Administration, IT and Communications).