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ACCREDITATION NOTICE RECALL – VII Italy-Latin America Caribbean Conference “For a shared vision” (Milan, 12-13 June 2015)

The VII Italy-Latin America and Caribbean Conference “For a shared vision” will take place in Milan on 12 and 13 June 2015. The event has been organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in collaboration with the Italy-Latin American Institute (IILA), the Lombardy Region, the City of Milan and EXPO.


The Conference is the main political event of the year as regards Italy’s relations with that strategic region, particularly in cultural and commercial sectors. Four heads of state, 15 Latin American and Caribbean foreign ministers, and heads of major international regional organisations and development banks will meet with Italian political and business leaders.

The conference programme and all other information are available at and




Journalists, photographers and TV crews interested in covering:

–        12 June at the Palazzo della Regione Lombardia


Journalists, photographers and TV crews interested in following the event should:

– complete the interactive form available at

– attach all required documentation (if not already submitted) to the form, in digital format

no later than 13:00 on 11 June.

Accredited members of the press will be admitted, with valid ID:

on 12 June at 8:00 at the Palazzo della Regione Lombardia, entrance located in Via Melchiorre Gioia no. 37, entry “Nucleo 4”;

–        On 13 June at theAuditorium of Palazzo Italia, Italian EXPO Pavilion

Are asked to apply for accreditation on the EXPO 2015 website, if they have not yet done so, at the page, at least 2-3 working days before their arrival and to confirm their attendance to the Press and Institutional Communication Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation by e-mail (tel. 06/3691.3432-8573-8210).

I rappresentanti della stampa accreditati potranno presentarsi, muniti di un documento di identità valido, il 13 giugno alle ore 9.00 direttamente all’ingresso dell’Auditorium di Palazzo Italia, Padiglione Italia, EXPO.

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