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Accreditation Notice Recall – Presentation of 2015 ANCE report On Italian Construction Firms Abroad

Please be reminded that the presentation of the 2015 Ance Report on the presence of Italian construction firms around the world will take place in the Farnesina’s International Conference Room at 11:00 on Monday 5 October.

Participation in the event, organised by the Farnesina in collaboration with Ance, will include Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Paolo Gentiloni, Secretary General of the Foreign Ministry Amb. Michele Valensise and Ance President Claudio De Albertis and Vice President Giandomenico Ghella.

The presentation of the Ance report, an important annual recurrence, is the fruit of collaboration between the ministry and that association. The updated information on the presence of Italian construction firms operating abroad provides a complete picture of those firms’ international competitiveness and a map of the countries offering major opportunities in the sector.

Also attending will be sector businesspersons and representatives of institutions and the foreign diplomatic corps in Italy.

Online accreditation system. Journalists, photographers and TV crews interested in following the event should:

– complete the interactive form available at” href=””>

– attach all required documentation (if not already submitted) to the form, in digital format

Required documentation:

– a letter from your media organisation

– for foreign journalists in Italy: a note verbale issued by the Embassy in Rome of your media organisation’s country.

If you are unable to complete the online accreditation procedure, please send your application by fax, on your media organisation’s letterhead, to the Foreign Ministry’s Press and Institutional Communication Service (tel. 06/3691.3432-8573-8210).

Accredited members of the press will be admitted at the main entrance to the Farnesina, left side, at 10:15.

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