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REMINDER Press accreditation note – Popular Music Table – Farnesina, 6 June 2024


Presentation of the National and International Table
for the Enhancement of Popular and Amateur Music

Farnesina – 6 June 2024, 11:00 a.m.


On Thursday, 6 June 2024 at 11:00 a.m., the Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Antonio Tajani, will hold a press conference at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the Aldo Moro Room, to present the Decree by which the National and International Table for the Enhancement of Popular and Amateur Music was established on 24 May.

The initiative aims to support and coordinate popular and amateur music activities in Italy and abroad in the context of the objectives of the NRRP project “Roots Tourism”. The measure will benefit all those bodies and associations devoted to popular and amateur music activities present in the more than 7,900 Italian municipalities, a universe of about 4,600 musical bands, 3,500 choral groups, 2,500 school choirs, 3,000 parish choirs and 750 folk groups.

These are fundamental social and cultural realities, which are an expression of the history and traditions of the territories and which play a role in the education of the new generations in handing down the national culture and identity, with an actual relevance within the objectives of the current Roots Tourism project. The Table thus fills a gap and will facilitate the systemisation on the one hand of the funds made available by the NRRP for the Roots Tourism project and, on the other, the cultural diplomacy action carried out by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its network abroad.

Journalists, photographers and cameramen interested in attending the event may apply for accreditation by sending a request by Wednesday 5 June at 6:00 p.m. to (tel. 06 3691 3432 – 8573 – 3078 or 8210), attaching the following:

For representatives of Italian press organisations:

  • copy of an identity document;
  • letter of assignment from the newspaper of affiliation or – in the absence of the latter – copy of professional identity card.

For representatives of foreign press organisations, not accredited at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

  • copy of an identity document;
  • letter from the newspaper of affiliation;
  • Verbal note of the Embassy in Rome of the country of the press organisation represented.

For representatives of foreign press already accredited at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the request must be sent with a copy of an identity document attached.

Accredited journalists, photographers and cameramen may enter the Farnesina from the main entrance, left side, from 10:15 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. on 6 June 2024.


Submitting the above-mentioned personal data means authorising the use thereof in accordance with Italian Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003 and the GDPR (EU Regulation 2016/679) by the Directorate General for Public and Cultural Diplomacy of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the data controller, for strictly professional purposes and/or purposes related to the performance of the event in question.

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