Side Event of the G7 Italian Presidency
“Spazio virtuale. Le garanzie di giurisdizione nella resilienza e nella difesa della sicurezza nazionale”
(Farnesina, 11-12 October 2024)
On Friday 11 and Saturday 12 October 2024, a side event of the G7 Italian Presidency will be held in Rome, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, entitled “Spazio virtuale. Le garanzie di giurisdizione nella resilienza e nella difesa della sicurezza nazionale” (Virtual Space. The Guarantees of Jurisdiction in Resilience and Defence of National Security), organised by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Vittorio Occorsio Foundation.
The event will start at 10.00 a.m. on Friday 11 October, with institutional greetings by the Secretary General of the Foreign Ministry, Amb. Riccardo Guariglia, the co-founder of the Foundation, Prof. Vittorio Occorsio, and the Vice President of the Foundation’s Scientific Committee, Stefano Lucchini. The Minister of Justice, Carlo Nordio, will open the works. Other guests will include the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Piantedosi, the President of COPASIR, Hon. Lorenzo Guerini, the Director of the Department of Intelligence for Security, Amb. Elisabetta Belloni, the Director of the National Cybersecurity Agency, Dr. Bruno Frattasi, and the President of the National School of Administration, Prof. Paola Severino.
On Saturday 12 October, the works will begin at 9 a.m.. The conclusions, scheduled at 5.30 p.m., will be drawn by the Undersecretary of State to the Prime Minister’s Office with responsibility for cybersecurity, Dr. Alfredo Mantovano, and by the President of the Vittorio Occorsio Foundation Scientific Committee, Giovanni Salvi.
In the opening session, a report will be presented on the new frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, their effects on national sovereignty and the effectiveness of the exercise of jurisdiction. The first working session will address the topics of jurisdiction, resilience and active defence in virtual space. The second session will be devoted to the UN Open Working Group on Cybersecurity and the UN Convention against Cybercrime in Judicial Cooperation. Finally, the third working session will deal with jurisdiction in transnational cybercrime.
All sessions will be open to press representatives, who will be able to follow them in a dedicated listening room until full capacity is reached.
Journalists, photographers and cameramen interested in attending the event may apply for accreditation by sending a request by Thursday 10 October at 5:00 p.m. to (tel. 06 3691 3432 – 3078, 8210 o 8573), attaching the following:
for representatives of Italian press organisations:
- copy of an identity document;
- letter of assignment from the newspaper of affiliation or – in the absence of the latter – copy of professional identity card.
For representatives of foreign press organisations, not accredited at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
- copy of an identity document;
- letter from the newspaper of affiliation;
- Verbal Note of the Embassy in Rome of the country of the press organisation represented.
For representatives of foreign press already accredited at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the request shall be sent with a copy of an identity document attached.
Accredited journalists, photographers and cameramen may enter the Farnesina from the main entrance, left side, on Friday 11 October, from 9:00 to 9:30 a.m. and, on Saturday 12 October, from 8:00 to 8:30 a.m.
Submitting the above-mentioned personal data means authorising the use thereof in accordance with Italian Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003 and the GDPR (EU Regulation 2016/679) by the Directorate General for Public and Cultural Diplomacy of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the data controller, for strictly professional purposes and/or purposes related to the performance of the event in question.