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Cooperation: 56 fire-fighting vehicles worth €11M for Egypt

Italy has donated 56 fire-fighting vehicles to Egypt, worth around 11 million euros in total, as part of Italian Development Cooperation’s “commodity aid” programme. The donation was formalised in Cairo at a ceremony with the new Italian Ambassador, Maurizio Massari.

The vehicles, seven of which are small, 46 medium sized and 3 with ladders reaching to over 50 metres in height, were supplied by Iveco and Brescia Antincendi International. The donation also includes spare parts, accessories, technical assistance and a 3-week training course for Egyptian personnel, with one week in Italy and two in Egypt.

Total value: 37 million euros

The vehicles are intended for 10 governorates throughout Egypt and are the latest tranche of the commodity aid programme – worth a total of 37 million euros. The programme combines the supply of equipment with training in sectors such as agriculture, the environment, cultural heritage and health.

Delighted to share our experience with Egypt

“We are proud that Egypt has chosen Italy as a key partner in a sensitive sector such as civil protection”, commented Ambassador Massari. “Civil protection has a long and deeply rooted history in Italy and we are delighted to be sharing our experience with Egypt”, added the Ambassador, who was speaking at the donation ceremony. The event was attended by the Egyptian Deputy Home Affairs Minister, Abu Bakr, who is responsible for Cairo’s metropolitan police force and Egypt’s civil protection. Massari underscored that Italy views its relationship with Egypt as “strategic and a partnership of equals”.

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