A cooperative “twinning” project between Israel and the European Union has been launched to prepare a new strategy for rural development in Israel. The 18-month initiative, launched at the end of February in Tel Aviv, will have a budget of 820,000 euros funded by the EU.
Italy senior partner
In the framework of the project, experts from Italy (senior partner) and Germany (junior partner) will work closely with their Israeli counterparts in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
The project will involve a Resident Twinning Advisor, Giuliano Polenzani, seconded by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry for 18 months. Mr. Polenzani will lead a team of European experts whose task is to harmonise, as closely as possible, Israeli and European legislation on rural diversification.
Italy’s experience in agricultural tourism
The Italian project was chosen in light of our country’s notable experience in agricultural tourism, a model that the Israelis would like to adopt.
The opening ceremony of the project was attended by senior members of the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture and the Head of the EU mission in Israel, and by the Italian Ambassador to Tel Aviv, Francesco Talò. Ambassador Talò underscored “the importance of a holistic approach to agriculture in today’s world. That is the key to the success of agri-tourism in Italy and an important economic growth factor in Europe and in our country”.