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Italy-Turkey – Relations based on archaeological missions

The seventh symposium on Italian archaeological missions in Turkey was held in Istanbul. It was organised by the Italian Embassy and the Italian Institute of Culture in Ankara and was one of the major events of the annual “Orizzonti Italiani” (Italian Horizons) programme. The intense agenda of the two-day event included a presentation by Italian archaeologists in Turkey on the work carried out so far, illustrating recent discoveries and the results of their digging, probing and restoration activities across in the country. Focus was also placed on research and excavation opportunities. The symposium was opened by Ambassador Luigi Mattiolo, who explained the major role of the Farnesina in supporting the missions and highlighted that archaeology represents one of the major elements of the cultural cooperation between the two Countries. It is not by chance that Turkey is the foreign country in which Italy has had the greatest presence over more than 50 years and where it has conducted the largest number of missions.

Italian Archaeological Missions in Turkey

Seventeen presenters from prestigious Italian universities took part in the Symposium: Isabella Caneva, Marcella Frangipane, Stefania Mazzoni, Nicolo Marchetti, Rodolfo Brancato, Lorenzo d’Alfonso, Anna Lucia d’Agata, Francesco D’Andria, Antonio La Marca, Guido Rosada, Annalisa Polosa, Raffaella Pierobon Benoit, Maria Andaloro, Alessandra Ricci, Eugenio Russo, Claudia Barsanti and Cristina Tonghini. The symposium was also attended by Melik Ayaz, the head of the general directorate of Cultural Heritage and Museums of the Turkish Culture and Tourism Ministry. “Orizzonti Italiani”, a project launched on Jan. 19, is one of the initiatives offered by the Italian Embassy and other Italian institutions in Turkey to local people and the Italian community through a wide range of cultural, political and economic events aimed at promoting relations between the two Countries, spanning across several areas: from music to cinema, figurative arts, archaeology, economic exchanges and investment opportunities.

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