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Sydney – The Italian Institute of Culture focuses on sustainable architecture

The Italian Institute of Culture in Sydney will focus its attention on sustainable architecture at 6 p.m. on 19 May. Architects Mario Cucinella and Ken McBryde will take turns talking on “Creative Empathy” in an event presented by the Institute in association with the 20th Biennale of Sydney, which is part of the series of lectures entitled “Not Evenly Distributed”. The lectures will explore how architecture, through the principles of sustainability, can counteract a modus operandi that is indifferent to location, refusing to flatten out differences as now happens through the globalising discourse and prevailing economic and quantitative value systems (Cucinella), and how technology and communications can open education opportunities in remote areas of the world, with case studies on Borneo, Nepal and Vanuatu showing the benefits of adequate schooling structures (McBryde). Tshering Lama O’Gorman, Program Director of the Australian Himalayan Foundation, will participate in the round table moderated by Janne Ryan. Mr Cucinella is scheduled for two more lectures on the same subject in New Zealand: one was held on 16 May at the Victoria University in Wellington, and the second will be delivered today, 17 May, at the University of Auckland. The lectures have been organised by the Italian Institute of Culture in Sydney, which had its territorial jurisdiction extended to include New Zealand last March, where it works in association with the Italian Embassy in Wellington. Lastly, on 20 May, the Italian architect will hold a workshop for students and teachers at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Sydney.  

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