New momentum to Italian Cooperation projects in Pakistan The visit of Italy’s Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Benedetto Della Vedova to Islamabad last week, where he attended the Conference “Italy and Karakorum: from Mt. K2 to the Central Karakorum National Park and beyond”, gave renewed momentum to the projects of Italian Cooperation in Pakistan. At the end of the conference the Italian Ambassador to Pakistan, Stefano Pontecorvo, and the Country Director of UNDP, Ignazio Artaza, signed the agreement for the second project in support of Central Karakorum National Park (CKNP).
The general goal of the initiative is to improve the governance of mountain ecosystems in Northern Pakistan, with special attention to eco-systemic services, conservation of nature, sustainable use of natural resources and promotion of an effective response to climate change. The project will contribute to improving the opportunities for supporting the local communities, also through the development of sustainable tourism”.