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The Italian Fencing Federation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation came together in the project “La bellezza in un gesto”





ROME – Within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding signed with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Italian Fencing Federation will be the protagonist on this upcoming Thursday, 5 May, of an important double event in Hammamet and Madrid, the venues of the Women’s and Men’s Sabre World Cup trials, respectively.

Two very important and prestigious events, organized thanks to the Italian Embassies in Tunisia and Spain, in the wake of the consolidated enhancement of the combination of Diplomacy and Sport, through which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation has launched a collaboration with the Italian Fencing Federation as part of the project “La Bellezza in un gesto” [Beauty in a movement], which will take place in various Countries.

This integrated promotion initiative is aimed at enhancing the image of Italy through fencing, promoting its ethical and social values, and supporting the trade and export dimension of “Made in Italy”, especially in the sectors of clothing and sports equipment, food, medicine, as well as tourism. The project is the result of an articulated collaboration between the Directorate General for Country Promotion of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Department for Sport of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, and the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI).

The two events – “Le donne protagoniste in pedana e fuori” [Women protagonists on and off the piste] in Hammamet, and “La scherma tra corretti stili di vita e valori” [Fencing between correct lifestyles and values] in Madrid – will both be enhanced by evocative photo exhibitions that offer a narration, in iconic images, of Italian fencing around the world.



On the occasion of the Women’s Sabre World Cup, from 6 to 8 May in Yasmine Hammamet, the Italian Fencing Federation and the Italian Embassy in Tunis are organizing the Seminar “Le donne protagoniste in pedana e fuori”. The event will take place on Thursday, 5 May, at 5 p.m., at the “Medina Conference & Expo Centre” in Hammamet, the same venue that will host the Women’s Sabre World Cup.

The debate will focus on the central role of women in a discipline like fencing; only outdated stereotypes could consider it a predominantly male sport, and the Italian Fencing Federation is the true testimony of a sport where women have taken on a central role.

Representatives of the Minister of Sport of the Government of Tunisia, the Italian Ambassador in Tunis, Lorenzo Fanara, the heads of the Tunisian Fencing Federation, the President of the Italian Fencing Federation, Paolo Azzi, a fencer from the Tunisian National Team, and the Italian sabre fencer, Irene Vecchi, will participate in the event. The Italian Delegation of the Women’s National Sabre Team will be present and will participate in the competitions in Hammamet.

On this occasion, a photo exhibition of some of the most evocative shots by Augusto Bizzi will be inaugurated. Through his images, and more than anyone else, photographer Augusto Bizzi has illustrated the charm of fencing in Italy and in the world.



On the same day, Thursday, 5 May, from 6 p.m., the Building of the Consular Chancellery of the Embassy in Madrid will host the seminar “La scherma tra corretti stili di vita e valori”, focused on the “life of an athlete”, which goes beyond the commitment and successes on the piste. The seminar will present how and to what point sport accompanies the human growth of those who practice it, from behaviour to healthy eating, with a special focus on the Mediterranean diet, another important link between Italy and Spain.

Following the greetings by the Italian Ambassador in Madrid, Riccardo Guariglia, the President of the Spanish Fencing Federation, José L. Abajo Gómez, and the Honorary President of the Italian Fencing Federation, Giorgio Scarso, in the presence of the entire Delegation of the Italian Men’s National Sabre Team led by the Head Coach, Nicola Zanotti – who will participate in the World Cup scheduled that weekend in Madrid – and the former Italian sabre fencer, Luigi Miracco – who oversaw the Memorandum between the Italian Fencing Federation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation – the speakers at the conference will take the floor: the Head Coach, Nicola Zanotti, the doctor of the Federation and expert in nutrition, Luca Pulcini – who will talk about the Mediterranean diet and healthy lifestyles – and the Italian sabre fencer, Luca Curatoli.

Among the guests, there will also be Ambassadors and diplomatic representatives to Spain from various Countries, to bear witness to the international dimension and sense of deep sharing of the initiative.

Even in Madrid, the event will be enhanced by a photo exhibition of some incredible shots by photographer Augusto Bizzi, called “Pronti… a voi!” [Ready? Fence!] – which recalls the common formula used by the referees before the start of a duel – enhanced by some images taken by his Spanish colleague, Nacho Casares, former fencer and official photographer of the Spanish Olympic Committee.

The Italian Fencing Federation will leave Spain the day after the end of the World Cup. On Monday, 9 May, a group of athletes of the Men’s National Sabre Team, led by captain Luigi Samele, will visit the students at the Italian School in Madrid. On that occasion, representatives of the Italian Fencing Federation will be gifted with drawings on fencing made by the students as the result of a creative contest promoted within the school.

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