With reference to the ongoing investigation against the entrepreneur Antonello Ieffi, arrested on charges of having committed a fraud in a Consip tender for the supply of surgical masks, it should be noted that there has never been any contact of any kind, not even via email, between Mr Ieffi and Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio. In this case, on 16th March 2020, Mr Ieffi sent an email to the Chamber of Deputies account registered to Minister Di Maio and managed by Minister Di Maio’s Head of Secretary, but this email was never followed by any response from the Minister or his collaborators. The same email, as a matter of course, was therefore forwarded by Di Maio’s Head of Secretary to the top management of the Civil Protection and to Commissioner Arcuri’s bureau in order to carry out the appropriate investigations on the reliability of the matter. For further information, another email, sent the next day by Ieffi himself, on 17th March 2020, was addressed to Consip, this time, copying the current and former Italian Ambassador to Qatar, the Civil Protection, Ice, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and Invitalia, in order to demonstrate that Mr Ieffi was still trying to obtain a response to his request. In conclusion, the Foreign Ministry informs that in the next hours it will send all available details to the Public Prosecutor’s Office.