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Del Re: recognition of Italy’s role for development demonstrates the value of Cooperation reform

“Inclusive and effective multilateralism and a multi-stakeholder approach are the best tools to strengthen the effectiveness of development cooperation and achieve our goals. The current pandemic shows that a globally interconnected world poses complex common challenges that require a collective response. Italy strongly believes that an effective multilateral system is a precondition for a successful reaction to Covid-19.”

This opinion was expressed by the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Emanuela Del Re, in connection with the presentation of the Report of the Peer Review on Italian Cooperation edited by the OECD-DAC, which has examined Italy’s activities in the field of development cooperation and formulated a series of evaluations and recommendations on how to improve the Italian Cooperation. This is a key moment in the monitoring of Italy’s policy and cooperation programmes.

Besides Vice Minister Del Re and the President of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, Piero Fassino, the presentation was also attended by the Director General of Development Cooperation of the Foreign Ministry, Giorgio Marrapodi, and the Director of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, Luca Maestripieri, as well as representatives of various players in the field of cooperation, such as civil society and regional cooperation organisations, universities, the private sector and other Ministries and Government departments.

The Report recognises Italy as a sound partner for development, emphasising its strong multilateral vocation and its responsibilities in international organisations, in respect of the search for solutions to complex global challenges. The Report also highlights Italy’s stable and well-rooted presence in fragile countries and experience in crisis and emergencies scenarios. The DAC analysis also confirmed the special importance that Italy attaches to civil society organisations and, in general, the inclusive orientation of our development cooperation policy.

“We are particularly proud of the recognition by the Peer Review of Italy’s role as an important partner for development, because it shows that our 2014 reform law has improved transparency and accountability, also placing development cooperation at the heart of our foreign policy” – the Vice Minister underlined.

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