Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Benedetto Della Vedova, is in Mexico City today at the head of the Italian delegation to the “Triple Anniversary” celebrations: the seventh centenary of the founding of Tenochtitlian, the present-day Mexico City (1321); the fifth centenary of its conquest by the Spanish (1521); the bicentenary of Mexican independence (1821).
This morning, the Deputy Minister took part in the Press Conference of the President of the United Mexican States, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, during which the Head of State awarded the Aztec Eagle to the Commander of the Carabinieri police force for the Protection of Cultural Heritage (TPC), General Roberto Riccardi, to mark the long-standing collaboration between the Mexican authorities and the Carabinieri police, and especially the TPC Command.
Afterwards, Della Vedova attended the inauguration of the exhibition “La Grandeza de México”, by President López Obrador. The exhibition displays very high definition digital copies, donated by the Italian Ministry of Culture, of three valuable ancient codices kept in Bologna and Florence.
On the same day, the Deputy Minister held a bilateral meeting with the Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs, Carmen Moreno Toscano, an opportunity to take stock of the excellent bilateral relations between Italy and Mexico, including within the G20 and the United Nations, of the upcoming “Italy-Latin America and Caribbean Conference”, which will be held in Rome, and of the main current international dossiers, starting with Afghanistan and the migration crisis, in the framework of Italy’s G20 Presidency.