On Friday 14 June 2013 the Ambassadors accredited in Italy will visit the “Palidoro” command of the Carabinieri, which includes the Motorised and Specialist Units. The visit is being organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the General Command of the Carabinieri.
The welcoming address by the Commander in Chief and the Head of Diplomatic Protocol of the Italian Republic will be followed by speeches by the Deputy Foreign Minister, Lapo Pistelli, and Senior Carabinieri Officers.
The first part of the visit will close with a film on the work of the Forensic science laboratories of the Carabinieri Force (RACIS). This will be followed by a Q&A session.
The presentations will illustrate:
– the international work of the Carabinieri – with the focus on their participation in peace missions and their training initiatives for local forces
– restoring security in unstable regions, as a first step to institution-building
– protecting diplomatic and consular missions, and
– the investigations conducted by RACIS.
Journalists, photographers and TV crews interested in following the event should use the online accreditation system:
– complete the interactive form available at http://mae.accreditationsystem.info/ITA/Indice.asp
– attach all required documentation (if not already submitted) to the form, in digital format.
Required documentation:
– a letter from your media organisation
– for foreign journalists in Italy: a note verbale issued by the Embassy in Rome of your media organisation’s country.
If you are unable to complete the online accreditation procedure, please send your application by fax to the Foreign Ministry’s Press and Institutional Communication Service (tel. 06/3691.3432 – fax 06/3691.2122)
Accredited journalists, photographers and camera operators should report to the main entrance of the “Salvo D’Acquisto” Barracks (Viale Tor di Quinto, 65) from 8.30 onwards on Friday 14 June 2013.
Parking is available in the spaces next to the main entrance in Viale Tor di Quinto.