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ACCREDITATION NOTICE – Reminder: Conference “Security is a serious thing” (Farnesina, 9 September)

A reminder that the Conference “Security is a serious thing” will take place on Wednesday 9 September from 10:00 to 12:30 at the Farnesina. Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Paolo Gentiloni will open the conference.

The event, jointly promoted by the NGO network AOI, CINI, LINK2007, the Crisis Unit and the Directorate General for Development Cooperation at the Farnesina, aims to raise awareness among NGO workers and, more in general, all those involved in international cooperation, of the need to safeguard the security of workers engaged in areas where their safety is at risk.

The conference will include presentation of the section dedicated to NGOs and ONLUS organisations on the website, and the dossier “Sicurezza per la gestione dei rischi e la sicurezza degli operatori delle organizzazioni di cooperazione e solidarietà internazionale”, fruit of a joint NGO–Crisis Unit effort.

Speakers will include Nino Sergi, in the name of the AOI, CINI, LINK 2007 NGO network; Giampaolo Cantini, Director General of the Italian Development Cooperation; Claudio Taffuri, head of the Crisis Unit; Silvia Stilli (AOI); Bruno Neri (CINI); and Marco Rotelli (LINK 2007).

The event will continue with a debate moderated by print and television journalist Duilio Giammaria and conclude with a speech by Michele Valensise, Secretary General of the Farnesina.

Online accreditation system:

Journalists, photographers and TV crews interested in following the event should:

– complete the interactive form available at

– attach all required documentation (if not already submitted) to the form, in digital format

Required digital documentation:

– a letter from your media organisation

– for foreign journalists in Italy: a note verbale issued by the Embassy in Rome of your media organisation’s country.

If you are unable to complete the online accreditation procedure, please send your application by email to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation’s Press and Institutional Communication Service, address (tel. 06/3691.3432-8573-8210).

Accredited journalists, photographers and TV crews should enter the Ministry by the main entrance (left-hand side) at 9.15.

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