Nave Italia, the largest brigantine in the world, is sailing on a new adventure carrying 15 children from the Czech Republic who have recovered from oncological disorders. The ship is scheduled to sail for a short cruise from Livorno on the 31st of July and arrive in Genoa on the 4th of August. During the cruise, the children will learn the basics of sailing and the culture of seafaring. The initiative, which is being repeated after the success of last year’s edition, arises from the collaboration between the Czech Republic, the Italian Embassy in Prague, the “Tender to Nave ITALIA” Foundation and the Italian Navy.
“The interaction between the public and private sector in supporting this project – said Ambassador Aldo Amati on the eve of the ship’s departure – is an extraordinary result because it offers a unique opportunity to children who deserve to have a joyful experience after so much suffering. I am particularly proud that the initiative is now scheduled annually and forms part of the recurring bilateral events that enrich the relationship between Italy and the Czech Republic.” Therefore, they will set off on a voyage from Prague to the Italian seas that heals the soul and the spirit. The aim is to make the young travellers enjoy a special experience, capable of making them regain a positive and proactive approach to daily obstacles, build their self-esteem and their capacity to act and choose independently. A full-fledged adventure therapy in which play and fun are key in defying the sea but especially in overcoming themselves and their limits. It is a unique adventure that the children will be able to experience on board of the sailboat made available by the Tender To Nave ITALIA Onlus Foundation, which was established in 2007 by the Italian Navy and the Italian Yacht Club to promote the culture of seafaring and of sailing as an instrument of education, training, rehabilitation, social inclusion and therapy.
During the voyage onboard this marvellous 61-metre-long and 9.20-metre-wide brigantine endowed with 14 sails and a 44.60-metre-tall mast, the little passengers will engage in staging a performance for other young patients. After disembarking on the 4th of August, in harmony with the spirit of solidarity and sharing that moves Nave Italia, the Czech guests will visit the Ospedale Istituto Giannina Gaslini of Genoa, where they will perform for the hospitalised children and bring them some of the presents made while navigating. The project is sponsored by the Italian Cultural Institute in Prague and by the Ministries of Health and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic and is implemented thanks to the generosity, among others, of the following: Czech Airlines, Prague Airport, Caritas Roma, Alfredo Diomede Cultural Association.