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Diplomatic network

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16 October 2018
Serbia: Minister of Agriculture visits the Ferrero company

The Serbian Minister of Agriculture, Branislav Nedimovic, visited the Ferrero AgriSer company today at the hazelnut tree plantation in Aleksa anti (Sombor), along with  Italian Ambassador Carlo Lo Cascio and Ferrero company representatives from Italy. The visit gave the Serbian government and Ferrero Group the opportunity to confirm their support for the hazelnut production development plan in […]

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16 October 2018
Archaeology: Mongolia asks Italy for help

In order to leverage the extraordinary archaeological and historic heritage of the area of Kharkhorin, in Mongolia, an agreement was signed between the Centro Ricerche Archeologiche e Scavi of Turin, the Kharakhorum Museum and the State University of Ulaanbaatar with the aim of supporting museums in the effort of enabling local communities to know and enjoy […]

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16 October 2018
“Italian Contemporary Art” Day in Brasilia

To celebrate the First Edition of the event “Giornata del Contemporaneo – Italian Contemporary Art”, the Italian Embassy in Brasilia had an Open Doors Day giving public access to the architectural and artistic peculiarities of the building designed by Pier Luigi Nervi, widely considered to be one of the most beautiful buildings in Brasilia and […]

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15 October 2018
The Embassy in Washington hosted the meeting of the representatives of the Italian community

 The Italian Embassy in Washington hosted the annual meeting of the representatives of the Italian community in the United States. The meeting focused on promoting the Italian language, the services provided to the community, the activities of the consular network and its collaboration with the elected representatives. Among the representatives of the Italian community in […]

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15 October 2018
The Italian pavilion awarded the “best national pavilion” prize at Kampala’s International Trade Fair

At the inauguration of the 26th edition of the International Trade Fair in Kampala (UGITF), the Italian pavilion was awarded the prize of “best national pavilion”. The Trade Fair, which is organised by the Uganda Manufacturers Association (UMA), is one of the most important promotional events in East Africa and represents a great business opportunity for […]

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12 October 2018
Turkmenistan and the Silk Road – A tribute by Italy to Ashgabat

The Silk Road and its intense programme of cultural, artistic and technological interactions is at the core of the exhibition “The Silk Road and Turkmenistan – A tribute by Italy”, staged by the Italian Embassy in Ashgabat’s principal museum with the sponsorship of the UNESCO. Throughout the month of October, 150 High-Definition photographic reproductions, accompanied […]

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11 October 2018
Managua, ‘Scusate se esisto’ apre festival cinema europeo

Per il secondo anno consecutivo sarà un film italiano ad inaugurare il festival del cinema europeo a Managua giunto alla   XV edizione. La premiere del 24 ottobre sarà quindi dedicata a ‘Scusate se esisto’ di Riccardo Milani, con Paola Cortellesi e Raoul Bova, opera scelta nonostante la prassi che ha visto fino ad ora prevalere […]

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9 October 2018
Italian wine lands in Japan’s expanding market

The “6000 Years of Italian Wine” campaign promoting still and sparkling Italian wine with the participation of Italian wine producers and consortia, kicked off in Japan with approximately 70 events scheduled. In the first semester of 2018, Italy exported to Japan 14,844,000 litres of still wine worth 8,236 million Yen, and 2,961,000 litres of sparkling wine […]

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8 October 2018
Morocco: third Guinness World Record for Italian driver Fabio Barone

With the incredible time of 4 minutes and 42 seconds, Italian driver Fabio Barone, who already holds two world records, won his third Guinness World Record in Morocco, gaining a place in the history of international motorsports, setting three speed records in three different continents. Fabio’s comment at the finish line: “I am honoured and […]

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5 October 2018
Cassago chiama Chernobyl, due ambulanze arrivano in Ucraina

Nuovo atto della collaborazione che unisce il comune di Cassago alle zone ucraine segnate dalla tragedia nucleare di Chernobyl.  Due ambulanze sono state consegnate oggi all’ospedale regionale di Chernighiv, a 100 km da Kiev, dall’associazione ‘Cassago chiama Chernobyl’. Una collaborazione, quella tra l’associazione animata dall’ex vice sindaco Armando Crippa e Cernighiv, che nasce dall’accoglienza di […]

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