Vienna – Exhibition on combating illicit trafficking of cultural property opens under the Italian 2018 OSCE Chairmanship
Vienna’s beautiful Art History Museum (Kunsthistorisches Museum) will host an exhibition entitled “Recovered Treasures”, which runs from 30 May to 8 July. The exhibition is dedicated to the work conducted by the Italian Carabinieri Department for the Protection of Cultural Heritage, and the role played by diplomacy in countering the illicit trafficking of cultural heritage. On display will […]
Read more“Fare Cinema – 1st Week of Italian Cinema in the World”
As part of “Fare Cinema – 1st Week of Italian Cinema in the World“, the Italian Cultural Institute in Madrid has organised three events from 22 and 24 May focusing on the “trades of the cinema” with film director Riccardo Milani, architects and set designers Lucia Nigri and Alexia De Vito from Mia Market. “Fare Cinema” (“Making […]
Read moreSerbia: Italy participates in the Novi Sad Fair
Twenty Italian companies are participating in the International Agricultural Fair in Novi Sad, Serbia, where they are being hosted in the “Italian Pavilion”, set up by the ICE (the Italian Agency for Foreign Trade) with the support of the Italian Embassy in Belgrade. The pavilion was opened yesterday by the Serbian Minister of Agriculture Branislav Nedimovic and […]
Read moreMyanmar: valorizzazione del sito archeologico di Mrauk-U
“Il Myanmar continua a rimanere un Paese importante per la Cooperazione e l’Italia, grazie alla sua consolidata esperienza nel settore della valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale, può offrire un contributo determinante per lo sviluppo dello Stato Rakhine, in linea con le raccomandazioni della Commissione Annan”, così si è espresso l’Ambasciatore Pier Giorgio Aliberti in occasione della […]
Read moreGiordania: Firmato nuovo accordo quadro per la cooperazione allo sviluppo
Il Ministro della Pianificazione e della Cooperazione Internazionale, Imad Fakhoury e l’Ambasciatore d’Italia ad Amman, Giovanni Brauzzi, hanno firmato il 13 maggio il nuovo Accordo Quadro per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo, che sostituisce e innova il precedente Accordo del 1966. Il nuovo accordo avvia una cooperazione strutturata, anche a medio e lungo termine, in favore […]
Read moreNazionale diplomaci a Tunisi per partita del cuore organizzata per beneficienza con la collaborazione della Federazione tunisina. Presenza Amb. Fanara
L’Ambasciata d’Italia a Tunisi, con la collaborazione della Federazione Tunisina di Basket (FTBB), ha organizzato nei giorni 12-13 maggio a Nabeul (Tunisia) una partita amichevole tra la Nazionale Diplomatici di pallacanestro e la squadra amatoriale dei Veterani di Nabeul, selezionata dalla Federazione tunisina. L’obiettivo dell’iniziativa è raccogliere – tramite sponsor e offerte di beneficenza – fondi per la Società […]
Contemporary art exhibitions are continuing to be held at the Lisbon Italian Cultural Institute, including a selection of works by Pietro Ruffo that will be shown in his solo exhibition ‘A Ilusão Perfeita’. The artist will attend the opening, scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on Friday, 18 May, in the former Chapel of the Italian Cultural Institute at its seat […]
Read moreSerbia: Ambassador Lo Cascio meets Italian enterprises
Ambassador Carlo Lo Cascio chaired a meeting today addressed to Italian enterprises in Serbia. The event, which was promoted by the Italian Embassy in Belgrade, gathered over seventy companies along with the institutions involved in the promotion of the Italian economic system. The Italian Trade Agency (ICE), the Italo-Serbian Chamber of Commerce, and Confindustria Serbia […]
Read moreSudan: Italy donates an operational unit for nutrition
“Italy is in the front line in Sudan in the fight against the malnutrition of pregnant women, young mothers and children under the age of five and to improve the healthcare system of the Country so as to ensure access to quality healthcare services to as many people as possible”, said Italian Ambassador Fabrizio Lobasso […]
Read moreItalian Development Cooperation supports archaeological heritage conservation
The Italian Development Cooperation system continues to support the conservation of archaeological assets. To protect the archaeological area of Petra in Jordan against hydrogeological risks, the Italian Development Cooperation system gave UNESCO 1.5 million euro. It is the fourth project financed for the same area since 2012, and is further proof of Italy’s firm commitment […]
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