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Scadenza Numero Paese Titolo
28-02-2025 TZ 22 NDICI FI 01 23 TANZANIA Capacity building for capital markets development in Tanzania (EuropeAid/178425/DD/ACT/TZ)
20-02-2025 AO 22 NDICI SO 01 24 ANGOLA Capacity Building for the coordination of the Government policy to support MSMEs and the operationalisation of the National Network of Incubators (NNI)
27-01-2025 ME 24 IPA FI 01 24 MONTENEGRO Support for regulation of the financial services in Montenegro (EUROPEAID/183044/DD/ACT/ME)
22-01-2025 SR 21 IPA EC 01 24 TWL SERBIA “Strengthening capacities and introducing EU practices for sustainable management and programming of the “Lozionica – creative hub“ – (EuropeAid/183177/DD/ACT/RS)
16-12-2024 MD 24 NDICI JH 01 24 MOLDOVA Strengthen the capacities of the General Inspectorate for Migration for the implementation of the migration management and asylum legislation in line with EU acquis
13-12-2024 MA 22 NDICI EY 01 24 MAROCCO “Appui au renforcement des capacités de l’Autorité Nationale de Régulation de l’Electricité (ANRE)”/”Strengthening the capacities of the national electricity regulatory authority (ANRE)”
26-11-2024 JO 22 NDICI JH 02 24 GIORDANIA Support to the Public Security Directorate to Fight Against Organised Crime (EuropeAid/182921/ID/ACT/JO)
25-11-2024 SR 22 IPA FI 01 24 SERBIA “Further upgrade of education function in the Tax Administration of the Republic of Serbia”( EuropeAid/182950/ID/ACT/RS)
22-11-2024 MD 23 NDICI SO 01 24 (MD/41) MOLDOVA Strengthening the institutional capacities of the State Labour Inspectorate to enforce the labour standards in the Republic of Moldova (EuropeAid/181624/DD/ACT/MD)
21-11-2024 MK 21 IPA JH 01 24 TWL MACEDONIA Supporting the free access to information – We rise together (EuropeAid/182901/DD/ACT/MK)