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How to participate in Electoral Missions

Some international organisations such as OSCE, UNHCR Italy and UNHCHR carry out electoral missions in geographical areas emerging from serious political crises.

There are two possibilities: election observer or election supervisor.

The former is a witness to the voting operations, responsible for drawing up a final report to the Organisation. The supervisor, on the other hand, is in charge of counting the votes and, if necessary, providing logistical support (preparing the polling stations, transporting ballot boxes and other electoral material).

Missions can be short term (about a week) or long term (a month).

The requirements for applying to take part in an electoral mission are the following:

  • to be of Italian nationality;
  • to be in possession of a university degree or equivalent;
  • to have a sound knowledge of written and spoken English;
  • to have a good knowledge of electoral processes in democratic countries;
  • to have a good ability to work in team activities;
  • to have no grounds for incompatibility with the assignment (criminal record, etc.)
  • to be in good physical condition/be of sound physical constitution;
  • to be in possession of a driving licence;

The following are considered preferential:

  • to have a good knowledge of the geographical areas of interest;
  • to have a good knowledge of languages spoken in the area of interest;
  • to have experience in activities related to electoral processes at national or international level;
  • to have participated in specific training courses on election monitoring.

For information on participation in electoral missions organised by the OSCE, please visit the relevant page on this site.

For information on participation in electoral missions organised by the EU, please visit the relevant page on this website.