ENI’s international presence: meeting at the Farnesina, an analysis of trends in the global energy markets and the outlook for the energy sector’s integration in the European framework. These were the key topics at a meeting held today at the Farnesina with ENI’s chief executive officer, Claudio Descalzi, and foreign ambassadors accredited to Rome.
The meeting as opened by the Secretary General of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Michele Valensise. It is part of a series of new initiatives promoted by the Farnesina and designed to strengthen dialogue and collaboration between the institutes and business as part of a growing economic diplomacy effort. “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs actively supports the internationalisation process of Italian enterprises. With its tradition and dynamism, ENI represents an example of economic excellence, at both the Italian and international levels, not least for its high level of integration in the 84 countries in which it operates”, said Valensise.
Descalzi provided an up-to-date picture of ENI’s political and operational priorities, especially in Africa, the Mediterranean and the Middle East. He underscored the need for energy diversification and a strengthening of activities linked to the exploitation and s ale of gas. ENI’s CEO replied to questions and comments by the numerous foreign heads of mission who took part in the meeting.