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Amendola in Vienna to attend the 18th Alliance Against Trafficking in Persons high-level conference

The Undersecretary of State for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Vincenzo Amendola, took part in the 18th Alliance Against Trafficking in Persons high-level conference, organised by the OSCE in Vienna today. Italy holds  the 2018 chairmanship of the OSCE .
The aim of the Conference was to promote the best practices adopted in the OSCE area to combat human trafficking.
. The conference was attended, among others, by Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir, Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OSCE/ODIHR), Ambassador Madina Jarbussynova, OSCE Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and John Brandolino, Director, Division for Treaty Affairs of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
“It is not enough to strongly condemn human trafficking and fight it on a daily basis, we also have to promote an approach that is based on ongoing prevention and the protection of victims and more vulnerable categories” said Amendola. He went on to say: “we urge the OSCE to take a more active part in its role as privileged liaison between players in the participating States with a view to finding more innovative ways to promote an even more incisive action in the field.”
“Italy has adopted this approach at a national level, based on cooperation between institutions and civil society. The Italian model combines the fight against criminal networks with programmes providing assistance and social inclusion to the victims, envisaging also the granting of residence permits to trafficking victims, and helping them find work,” continued the Undersecretary.
Amendola added “this model forms part of the 2016-2018 National Action Plan Against Trafficking in HIman Beings and Exploitation of Labour, implemented through a Steering Committee comprising all the institutional  and social actors”.
The Italian Government has established an ad-hoc fund for anti-trafficking measures, with a view to funding  both victim assistance and social inclusion programmes, and forms of protection through the establishment of counselling and accommodation facilities. In order to fund these programmes, allocations to the Fund have been increased from 8 million euros in 2015 to 22.5 million euros for 21 projects, which were  approved at the end of 2017.

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