Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs Maria Tripodi held a hearing at the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies on the Indo-Pacific and Italian action in the area.
“The Indo-Pacific is an increasingly crucial region for the future global balance”, the Undersecretary recalled, “where processes of enormous geo-strategic and economic relevance are in motion”. In this framework, Italy has long been active, as evidenced by its commitment to the implementation of the EU Strategy for Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific.
The Undersecretary particularly highlighted the inclusive nature of Italian action in the region, marked by cooperation with all actors. These include the Regional Organisations of which Italy is a partner (ASEAN, PIF and IORA), which are important instruments for the promotion of peace, stability and economic growth in the area and which benefit from Italy’s training initiatives in a wide range of sectors (security, environmental protection, blue economy, natural disaster prevention and management). Italy, the Undersecretary added, is also committed to strengthening bilateral cooperation with its main partners in the region, firmly believing that these actors play a key role in geopolitical balances and global economic progress.