On Thursday 10 January 2013, Foreign Minister Giulio Terzi and the Head of State and President of the General National Congress of Libya, Mohammed Magariaf, will chair a meeting with Italian businesses and associations present or interested in operating in Libya. The meeting will take place at 16.30 at the Foreign Ministry in Rome.
Participants will include representatives of bodies promoting the internationalisation of the economy, business associations, banking institutions, and tens of large and small Italian businesses. The initiative is intended to bear witness to Italy’s commitment, as Libya’s leading economic partner, to support the transition of the country and intensify the already close bilateral economic relations.
Journalists, photographers and TV crews interested in following the opening addresses by Minister Terzi and President Magariaf should apply for specific accreditation using the online accreditation system. Please complete the interactive form available at http://mae.accreditationsystem.info/ITA/Indice.asp to which all required documentation not already submitted must be attached in digital format (a letter from their media organisation and, for foreign journalists in Italy, a note verbale).
If it is not possible to complete the online accreditation procedure, applications should be sent by fax to the Foreign Ministry’s Press and Institutional Communication Service (fax 06/3691.2122 –tel. 06/3691.3432)
Accredited journalists, photographers and TV crews should enter the Ministry by the rear entrance in Via della Macchia della Farnesina, at 15.45.