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Yemen: Italy informed by Saudi Arabia of raid intention. Gentiloni cites need to not jeopardise UN negotiation

Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation received a telephone call yesterday afternoon from Saudi Minister for Foreign Affairs Prince Saud al-Faisal regarding the military initiative that the Riyadh government would be undertaking in the following hours in response to a request for assistance from legitimate Yemeni President Hadi.

Minister Gentiloni expressed understanding for concerns over developments in the crisis in Yemen that pose a threat to the security of Saudi Arabia.

Gentiloni also noted the “limited and defensive” nature of the announced military action. For Italy’s part, Gentiloni underscored the need that developments in the crisis not jeopardise the delicate UN-led negotiation under way, which remains the chief path to halting the further dissemination of terror and ensuring effective and lasting stability in Yemen.

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