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Bamako, Ambassador Dejak launches the online platform “Youth4Climate”

Bamako, Ambasciatore Dejak lancia la piattaforma online “Youth4Climate”
Bamako, Ambasciatore Dejak lancia la piattaforma online “Youth4Climate”

The Ambassador of Italy to Mali, Stefano A. Dejak, participated together with the Malian Minister of Environment, Mamadou Samaké, and the UNDP Representative for Mali, Maleye Diop, in the launch of the online platform “Youth4Climate” supported by the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security (MASE). The platform is a permanent global initiative with its own Secretariat at the UNDP Centre in Rome collaborating with the MASE. Through this initiative, Italy provides its contribution to raising awareness and mobilising young Malians on climate change. Mali and the entire Sahel region are indeed suffering from the severe consequences of global warming and its impact on the availability of resources for the population.

Ambassador Dejak recalled that the Italian Cooperation in Mali considers environmental protection and sustainability a key aspect of every project pursued through the Italian Development Cooperation Agency (AICS), hoping that the “Youth4Climate” platform can inspire young people in Mali to engage for the common benefit of all, as many of their peers in Italy and Europe already do.

Mali’s Minister of the Environment, Mamadou Samaké, thanked for the Italian support for an initiative that will also enable young Malians to become more involved in environmental protection: He said: “This contribution is essential to ensure a more sustainable exploitation of Mali’s natural resources, on which agriculture, fishing and livestock farming – which employ a large part of the Malian population – hinge.”


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