#InsiemepergliSDG is the campaign promoted by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, in partnership with the UN SDG Action Campaign, FAO, European Commission, CIHEAM Iamb of Bari and Save the Children, to raise public awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals and on the work of the Italian Cooperation and its partners to lead progress towards Agenda2030 of the United Nations. In 2023, the campaign will travel across the cities of Naples, Trieste and Palermo, turning the spotlight on the role of Italian port cities as windows on the Mediterranean.
From 24 to 27 May 2023, the #InsiemepergliSDG initiative, in collaboration with the Municipality of Naples and the Agritech Center (Federico II University) brought three high-level events and interactive installations on Agenda 2030 to the city of Naples interior of the courtyard of the Maschio Angioino. For more info visit https://www.comune.napoli.it/insiemeperglisdg and https://www.comune.napoli.it/flex/cm/pages/ServeBLOB.php/L/IT/IDPagina/48327.
#InsiemepergliSDG was launched in Bari in October 2020. In 2021, the awareness campaign traveled to the cities of Teramo, Rome, Prato and Cremona while in 2022 the initiatives included the cities of Milan, Brescia, Bergamo and Siena.
Each stage of #InsiemepergliSDG contributes to a path that creates links and relationships between the promoting partners of the initiative and local realities with the aim of bringing out and enhancing the best local experiences. The initiative supports and develops sharing paths through training and teaching, participatory politics, active citizenship, play and creativity. Finally, the initiative develops partnerships with local media to promote the campaign messages and participation in the area.
As key part of the campaign, the itinerant and interactive installation to inform and empower visitors on the sustainable development objectives and the role that each individual can play in achieving them. Through practical examples, the installation shows how the Italian Cooperation and partners are working in Italy and beyond to achieve the SDGs, by informing young people, students, families and citizens about our common commitment to sustainable development.
The campaign format includes also several activities, which are defined together with local partners: for example, extraordinary city councils that discuss the role of local authorities in achieving the AGENDA2030; educational initiatives with the involvement of girls, boys, adolescents and schools, through workshops dedicated to the SDGs and organized by Save the Children Italia; creation of street-art mural works on the sustainable development goals, in partnership with the UN SDG Action Campaign, to enhance the role of art as a tool to mobilize, inspire and connect the general public on the SDGs, involving local artists and starting a urban regeneration path through this street-art modality; days dedicated to sport as a tool for inclusion and dialogue.
Read more on #InsiemepergliSDG 2021 #InsiemepergliSDG 2021 – Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale
Read more on #InsiemepergliSDG 2022 #InsiemepergliSDG 2022 – Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale
Watch the 2023 #InsiemepergliSDG trailer #InsiemepergliSDG 2023 – YouTube
Read OECD Dev Comms Network’s blog on #InsiemepergliSDG https://sdg-communicator.org/2023/09/18/insiemeperglisdg-engaging-italians-for-the-sustainable-development-goals/
EUROPEAN COMMISSION / DG FOR INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIPS European Commission, official website (europa.eu)
FAO – Home | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (fao.org)
CIHEAM IAMB – CIHEAM IAMB – Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari
SAVE THE CHILDREN ITALIA – Home | Save the Children Italia
UN SDG ACTION CAMPAIGN – Homepage – United Nations SDG Action Campaign