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Dettaglio intervento

(fa fede solo il discorso effettivamente pronunciato)

Prime Minister Erdogan,
Secretary General Ban Ki-moon,
President Sheikh Sharif,
Prime Minister Abdiweli,
Ladies and gentlemen,

I wish to commend the Turkish government for convening such a comprehensive Conference, ranging from yesterday’s discussion with the private sector to this crucial political session.

Somalia has achieved significant results over the last few months. At the London Conference, the Somali authorities committed to implementing the roadmap by the established deadline: August 20th. In March, a group of Elders was entrusted with the responsibility for the roadmap. Its clan-based dimension has consolidated Somali ownership. And a few days ago, in Addis Ababa, we welcomed the re-launch of the reform process through a new timetable, which deserves our utmost support.

As August 20th is approaching, the scale of our challenge is still great. Reforms must accelerate. And those who try to obstruct them must be isolated. After more than twenty years of state collapse, a Provisional Constitution, a new Parliament and a new President are necessary foundations for a truly stable country.

Ladies and gentlemen,

The time is ripe for hope in Somalia. Al Shabaab has gone through various setbacks. For the first time since 1991, Mogadishu is under one authority and is enjoying its longest period of relative peace. New areas and towns have been freed. We commend AMISOM and the other military forces for the great work they have done. However, it is urgent to outline a strategy to avoid a vacuum in liberated areas. Civil administrations should bring tangible peace dividends to people. Italy is ready to provide Somalia with its vast experience in institution-building.

Somalia’s progress hinges on its security. Transnational crimes, like terrorism and piracy, have been thriving for two decades on Somalia’s instability, holding back its development. The whole international community has been seriously affected. Therefore, we all need to increase the capacity of the Somali security forces. Italy is contributing significantly to this goal – not only financially. We encourage our partners to participate in these fundamental efforts. The Rebuilding and Restructuring Fund is an interesting proposal. We shall consider it carefully.

However, a durable and complete peace settlement can only be reached by accompanying improvement in security with an inclusive reconciliation process. We should therefore engage with Somali Islamist groups, who openly renounce terrorism.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Africa is a dynamic continent full of opportunities. Somalia will be able to seize them, if it comes out of the shadows of its past to move towards a future of peace and development. And all of us would greatly benefit from that. Progress made over the last months has demonstrated that in Somalia it is possible to gradually change the dynamic from one of unavoidable decline and fatalism to one of development, increasing security and freedom.

It’s time to look forward and take command”: These farsighted words of the Somali national anthem also inspire Italy’s vision and actions. In this spirit, we stand ready to host the next meeting of the International Contact Group in Rome. Let us get Somalia working, together and without delay. Not only is Somalia’s future at stake, but also our own.

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