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United States – The FAA awards a billion dollars to 85 airports to expand and modernize infrastructure

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced having awarded the first of the five billion dollars allocated by the Biden Administration through the bipartisan ”Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act” (IIJA) aimed at expanding and upgrading the infrastructure of the air traffic sector. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttegieg presented to the press the list of projects selected and financed through the Air Terminal Program (ATP), one of the three programs established under the Infrastructure Law and managed by the Department of Transportation (DoT) and by the FAA.

The funds will be allocated in fiscal year 2022 to finance over 90 projects in 85 airports located throughout the national territory. The projects selected concern infrastructural works of different types aimed at increasing the capacity of terminals, improving their connectivity with the entire rail and highway transportation system, as well as their accessibility, security, environmental sustainability, and energy efficiency. The resources shall be distributed as follows: 55% to large airport facilities; 15% to medium-sized airports; 20% to small airports; and the remaining 10% to minor airports.

The detailed list of the projects financed in fiscal year 2022 may be consulted on the website of the FAA: In the upcoming months, the same site will provide information for the submission of applications for funding for 2023 that are accessible to State and Public Agencies, Private Organizations and Indian Tribes that manage public services pursuant to the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems. The Entities/Agencies intending to apply must be registered with the SAM – System for Award Management and be in possession of a ”unique entity identifier” (UEI), lacking which they will not be able to apply. Further information can be obtained from the Regional Office (RO) or the FAA’s Airports District Office (ADO) on the FAA website:, or by e-mail to:

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