On Friday, 5 May, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Angelino Alfano, will attend the Conference “State of the Union 2017: Building a People’s Europe”, organised by the European University Institute (EUI) at Palazzo Vecchio in Florence.
Minister Alfano is scheduled to address the conference at 7:15 p.m. and will dwell on the topicality and importance of being citizens of the European Union today: “In the face of the big challenges of our time, which shake the very foundations of the internal cohesion of the Union, we must be all the more aware of the fact that only together will we be able to bring forward the ideal of the founding fathers, which we celebrated this year concomitantly to the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome.”
The minister will also talk of the link that exists between the future of European citizenship and the future of Europe and on the leading role that Italy is playing in relaunching the European project.