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Il ministro Alfano in visita a Bangkok


Nella capitale thailandese Alfano ha incontrato il suo omologo, Don Pramudwinai, con cui ha esaminato lo stato delle relazioni bilaterali, sostenute dal dinamico andamento dell’interscambio (che si attesta su circa 2.5 miliardi di Euro), da crescenti flussi turistici (265.000 italiani visitano annualmente la Thailandia) ed importanti investimenti nelle due direzioni. Sono state inoltre esaminate le principali questioni politiche regionali e la collaborazione in ambito ASEAN. Il titolare della Farnesina ha successivamente avuto un colloquio con il primo ministro Prayuth Chan-O-Cha.

Ai suoi interlocutori Alfano ha espresso la viva attesa da parte dell’Italia e dell’Unione Europea  per il ritorno al voto, per il ripristino di un sistema aperto ed inclusivo di democrazia rappresentativa e per il rispetto dei diritti della persona. “Rapidi progressi nella transizione consentiranno la riapertura dei rapporti con l’Unione Europea a tutti i livelli, sulla base delle decisioni del Consiglio dello scorso 11 dicembre” ha aggiunto il ministro.

Alfano ha anche incontrato i membri del Business Forum Italia-Thailandia, gruppo che riunisce 40 grandi e medie imprese dei due Paesi con un fatturato annuo complessivo di 500 miliardi di dollari. La collaborazione economica riveste particolare rilevanza nei rapporti bilaterali. Non a caso il 150° anniversario delle relazioni bilaterali risale alla firma, il 3 ottobre 1868, del primo Trattato di Amicizia e Commercio. Oggi le relazioni economiche sono intense e l’interscambio è ben bilanciato, con ulteriore potenziale di crescita. Nel 2017 le esportazioni thailandesi verso l’Italia sono cresciute dell’8% e l’export italiano verso la Thailandia di un analogo +7%.

Minister Alfano on visit to Bangkok

“The celebration of the 150th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Italy and Thailand marks a particularly important moment for our two Countries’ relations”

At the end of his visit to Bangkok, the last stop in his three-day tour of Southeast Asia, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Angelino Alfano, said: “The celebration of the 150th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Italy and Thailand marks a particularly important moment for our two Countries’ relations. In Bangkok, with a view to celebrating the event together with the Thai people, Italy has organised a programme of 69 events over 299 days of the year. Cultural cooperation represents a fundamental instrument to promote mutual knowledge and friendship between peoples.”

  While in Bangkok, Minister Alfano met with his Thai counterpart, Don Pramudwinai, to discuss the state of bilateral relations, emboldened by the dynamic trend in trade (with volumes of around 2.5 billion euros), growing tourist flows (with 265,000 Italians visiting Thailand every year) and relevant two-way investments. The talks also focused on the main regional political issues and cooperation within the ASEAN area. The chief Italian diplomat later met with Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-O-Cha.

In the talks, Minister Alfano expressed Italy’s and the European Union’s great expectation that the Country call new elections, restore an open and inclusive form of representative democracy and full respect for individual human rights. He said: “A quick transition process will pave the way for reopening relations with the European Union at all levels, on the basis of the conclusions passed by the Council last 11 December.”

Minister Alfano also met with the members of the Italy-Thailand Business Forum which groups together 40 large and medium-sized companies of the two Countries, with an over-all annual turnover of 500 billion dollars. Economic cooperation is particularly relevant in bilateral relations. It is no coincidence that the 150th anniversary of bilateral relations dates back to the signing of the first Friendship and Trade Treaty on 3 October, 1868. Today, economic relations between the two Countries are intense and trade is well balanced and has a strong growth potential. In 2017, Thai exports to Italy rose 8% and Italian export to Thailand grew by a comparable 7%.

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