Congratulations from Minister Bonino for Rami Hamdallah’s appointment as Prime MInister of the Palestinian Authority
Minister for Foreign Affairs Emma Bonino congratulated Rami Hamdallah on his appointment as Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority. Italy has no doubt it will be able to maintain the same excellent relations with the new Palestinian Prime Minister that it has enjoyed with Salam Fayyad, whom it thanks for his important contribution to strengthening […]
Read moreDeputy Minister Pistelli completes mission to Ethiopia
In the course of a mission to Ethiopia, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Lapo Pistelli, accompanied by Director General for Development Cooperation Giampaolo Cantini, Ambassador of Italy to Addis Ababa Renzo Rosso and Director of the Local Technical Unit Fabio Melloni, made a visit today to the St. Luke Hospital of Wolisso, in the Oromia […]
Read moreMinister for Foreign Affairs Emma Bonino expresses “deep satisfaction” for Somalia’s ratification of the Chemical Weapons Convention
Minister for Foreign Affairs Emma Bonino expressed “deep satisfaction” for Somalia’s ratification of the Chemical Weapons Convention, announced today by the Director of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) from its headquarters in The Hague. By this act Somalia becomes the 189th State Party to the OPCW treaty. “This is a major […]
Read moreUnder-Secretary Giro at the 55th Venice Biennale to open the Istituto Italia America Latina pavilion
Under-Secretary Mario Giro, with the remit for Latin America and cultural promotion, opened the pavilion of the Istituto Italia America Latina in the Arsenal building. Many Latin American countries have had pavilions over the years thanks to the IILA’s contribution. The IILA pavilion continues to welcome all the region’s artists in an effort to present […]
Read moreMinister for Foreign Affairs Emma Bonino meets with Arab League Secretary General Nabil El-Araby
Prospects for the Syria crisis and the Middle East peace process were the main focus of Minister for Foreign Affairs Emma Bonino’s meeting today in Rome with Secretary General of the Arab League Nabil El-Araby, with the accent first and foremost on U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s peace process initiative. The minister expressed her […]
Read moreMFA Secretary General Michele Valensise in consultations with Turkish Foreign Ministry Secretary General, Feridun Sinirlioglu.
Economic relations between Italy and Turkey and between businesses in the two countries, relations with the European Union and the situation in the Mediterranean. These were the topics discussed in consultations between the Secretary General of the Italian Foreign Ministry, Michele Valensise, and the Secretary General of the Turkish Foreign Ministry, Feridun Sinirlioglu. The talks […]
Read moreL’Italia esprime il più sincero cordoglio ai familiari delle vittime dell’attentato compiuto nello Stato indiano del Chattisgarh
Il drammatico bilancio del vile attentato compiuto ieri nello Stato indiano del Chattisgarh suscita sentimenti di profondo dolore per la perdita di vite umane innocenti, e merita la più ferma condanna. Il ricorso alla violenza, sempre esecrabile, non può trovare alcuna giustificazione in un Paese, quale è l’India, di profonda e solida tradizione democratica. L’Italia […]
Read moreL’Italia esprime il più sincero cordoglio ai familiari delle vittime dell’attentato compiuto nello Stato indiano del Chattisgarh
Il drammatico bilancio del vile attentato compiuto ieri nello Stato indiano del Chattisgarh suscita sentimenti di profondo dolore per la perdita di vite umane innocenti, e merita la più ferma condanna. Il ricorso alla violenza, sempre esecrabile, non può trovare alcuna giustificazione in un Paese, quale è l’India, di profonda e solida tradizione democratica. L’Italia […]
Read moreUnder-Secretary for Foreign Affairs Mario Giro will be representing the Italian Government at the inauguration ceremony for Rafael Correa
Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs Mario Giro will be representing the Italian Government at the inauguration ceremony for Rafael Correa, President of Ecuador. The ceremony will take place in Quito on 24 May 2013 This will be the first visit to Ecuador by a member of the Italian Government in many years and as such underscores […]
Read moreMessage of condolences from Minister Bonino for the victims of the tornado in Oklahoma
Foreign Minister Emma Bonino has sent the following message to the US Secretary of State John Kerry. “Like all Italians, I was shocked by the news and dramatic images of the tornado that has hit the suburbs of Oklahoma City so violently, causing such a high number of victims. Victims who include so many children […]
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