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Warsaw, Italian-Polish Aerospace Forum

Varsavia, il Forum aerospaziale italo-polacco 2
Varsavia, Forum aerospaziale italo-polacco

The third edition of the Italian-Polish Aerospace Forum was held today in Warsaw, organised by the Italian Embassy and the Italian Trade Agency – Warsaw Office, in cooperation with the Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Poland and with the support of Leonardo.

Against the backdrop of an increasingly unstable security environment, military experts, analysts and entrepreneurs from the two countries discussed an issue – that of the aerospace and defence industry – that remains central to the security of citizens.

“This is a high-tech sector with very high costs also in terms of research and development. It is therefore crucial to encourage as many cooperation initiatives as possible between friendly countries, such as Poland and Italy, in order to achieve maximum synergies”, Ambassador Luca Franchetti Pardo emphasised at the opening of the event. He was echoed by the Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Technology, Kamila Krol, who dwelt on space policy: this, if “properly conducted and coordinated, can contribute to the implementation of a sustainable and ecological European policy, as well as ensuring Europe’s pioneering role in protecting the Earth and the space environment for future generations”.

The Forum allowed participants to explore models and practices of virtuous action, with the aim of strengthening integration between Italy and Poland in highly competitive global sectors. It was divided into two panels, dedicated to highly interconnected aspects: the concrete possibilities of increasing industrial cooperation between Italy and Poland, with a specific focus on Poland’s defence sector, and the impact that the development of the aerospace industry can generate on a country’s innovation and competitiveness. The two panels were followed by an afternoon of meetings between representatives of Italian and Polish companies in the two sectors.


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