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Place to be: Estate all’Italiana Festival with IMF

PLACE TO BE is a project by IMF (Italian Music Festivals) promoted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in the schedule of the Estate all’Italiana Festival, as part of the measures to support Italian cultural and creative companies and aimed at building a new international narrative of Italy in the post-COVID world.


PLACE TO BE is an exclusive format, in which landscape narration and creativity, territorial valorisation and performing arts blend together: a series of original productions will showcase special and unusual places, hosting some of the best Italian artists of the contemporary and avant-garde music scene. Three extraordinary territories have been chosen, able to represent a geographical synthesis of our country, giving the opportunity to the artistic directors of the festival network to enhance their value thanks to an original musical curatorship, in a shared planning under Raffaele Costantino’s supervision.

In September it will be possible to watch streaming the performances of Nu Guinea, immersed in the vineyards of Monferrato, of Clap! Clap! and Kety Fusco in the medieval village of Civita di Bagnoregio and of Calibro 35 among the archaeological excavations in Egnazia, in the district of Fasano (BR).

The events will be broadcast live streaming on the DICE TV platform and promoted worldwide by the Network of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. Afterwards the videos will be available on demand on



– 9th September 2020

Civita di Bagnoregio – Clap! Clap! / Kety Fusco

– 16th September 2020

Egnazia Archeological Site – Calibro 35

– 23rd September 2020

Monferrato – Nu Guinea





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