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Osce Chairperson-in-Office Moavero and Secretary General Greminger welcome historic agreement between Athens and Skopje

OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Italy’s Foreign Minister Enzo Moavero Milanesi and OSCE Secretary General Thomas Greminger welcomed the announcement of an agreement between Athens and Skopje on resolving the name issue, which they hailed as a major step towards advancing good neighbourly relations and regional co-operation.

“Congratulations to Prime Ministers Alexis Tsipras and Zoran Zaev for their leadership and commitment to this momentous process for both countries and for Europe as a whole,” Chairperson Moavero said. “This is a unique opportunity that one must seize and further build upon.”   

Secretary General Greminger stressed the significance of dialogue and compromise in this process. “This historic agreement can now lead to a long-term solution for the benefit of all citizens and the entire region.”

The Secretary General also expressed his appreciation to the United Nations, which has led mediation efforts to resolve this dispute for more than 25 years.

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